Our Approach to Sustainability Management

We understand the importance of the ESG agenda and have succeeded in raising ESG awareness among our employees and stakeholders.

In 2021, we conducted a thorough assessment of Fix Price’s ESG practices. We then identified four key strategic priorities, which were approved by our ESG Committee, and what we have dubbed the 4Ps: Product, People, Partners, and Planet. We charted a roadmap and are assessing initiatives that will enable us to carry out viable changes and contribute to these priority areas.

Responsibility for managing sustainability issues at the Company is set at the strategic and operational levels. Both the Board of Directors, which makes decisions based on recommendations of its ESG Committee, and each Fix Price business unit are involved in the sustainability management process.

In 2021, the Board of Directors set up an ESG Committee which assists the Board in supervising sustainability issues. The committee is in charge of managing ESG factors at a strategic level. It oversees the implementation of Fix Price’s sustainability agenda and how it is integrated into the Company’s business processes.

The Group has drafted and rolled out a range of internal documents, including the Environmental, Health & Safety Policy; Modern Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy; Anti-Money Laundering Policy; Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy; and Business Ethics Policy (the Code of Conduct).